My involvement in the building industry began with a carpentry apprenticeship in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2003. Once qualified, I became a Licensed Builder under the NZ Licensed Building Practitioner framework and spent many years working on both residential and commercial developments across NZ, Australia, the UK and Antarctica.
Following on from that I became involved in the assessment and certification of residential development as a Building Surveyor and Accredited Certifier in both New Zealand and more recently working for Central Coast Council on the NSW Central Coast.
Throughout my career I have always maintained a keen interest and appreciation for high quality architectural design and this interest eventually pushed me into the design aspect of the development process.
My design ethos focuses strongly on the idea of simplicity and I believe that in simplicity you will always find function, efficiency and performance, not to mention aesthetics.
I am confident that my hands-on experience and unique insight into the assessment and certification of residential development, coupled with my experience and passion for good design, leaves you in safe hands when it comes to your next project.